- Products
- All Product
- Meat
- Seafood
- Cooked Meat
- Dairy Products
- Bakery Product
- Fried Foods/ Snacks
- Soup
- Sauce
- Salad Dressing
- Oil and Foodstuffs
- Groceries
- Frozen Vegetable
- Frozen Dessert
- …
- Products
- All Product
- Meat
- Seafood
- Cooked Meat
- Dairy Products
- Bakery Product
- Fried Foods/ Snacks
- Soup
- Sauce
- Salad Dressing
- Oil and Foodstuffs
- Groceries
- Frozen Vegetable
- Frozen Dessert

- Products
- All Product
- Meat
- Seafood
- Cooked Meat
- Dairy Products
- Bakery Product
- Fried Foods/ Snacks
- Soup
- Sauce
- Salad Dressing
- Oil and Foodstuffs
- Groceries
- Frozen Vegetable
- Frozen Dessert
- …
- Products
- All Product
- Meat
- Seafood
- Cooked Meat
- Dairy Products
- Bakery Product
- Fried Foods/ Snacks
- Soup
- Sauce
- Salad Dressing
- Oil and Foodstuffs
- Groceries
- Frozen Vegetable
- Frozen Dessert

If you are interested in any of our vacancies, please apply by email to recruit@gff.hk , quoting the position and providing your full resume, current and expected salary. We will contact you if you are shortlisted for an interview. Your information provided will be treated in strict confidence and only be used for consideration of your application for the relevant post within the Group.
Information on all unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after completion of recruitment process.